Oil on canvas panel..............6x8"
And yet, another rendition of the L.A. Wash. This extraordinary landmark offers an inexhaustible amount of views to paint!
This section of the wash is located near Eatz Cafe, a modest, little greasy-spoon diner golfers frequent. I did a previous painting of the same area but was unhappy with the results. I finally went back last weekend and painted another version with Bill Moore.
Jennifer... gotta hand it to you... the drawing of this piece in itself is right on... no perspective gotchas. That in itsef is a triumph. The color.. doesn't need comment if you have eyes. It's all there and I'm happy that I was there to watch it come down and learn.
Great paintings and website. William Wray suggested a look from another site.
Hey Jonathan,
Thanks for the comments.
I checked out your blog and it was time well spent!
Beautiful work you have.
I think you should post your painting from last week. It is quite a little gem.
Hi Robin,
Great seeing you at the 'Treasures' show.
I will check out and see what Wet Canvas forum is all about. Sounds like a great online community for kindred spirits!
I admire the focus you had to tackle this view. so lazy I would have shyed away from all the complex perspective. Well done.
Thanks Will,
Caffeine and O/C disorder.
A great combo to help tackle complex subject matter. ;-)
Hi Jennifer,
Bill asked me to look at your blog. Your work is excellent and I love your warm palette.
Linda Blondheim
Thanks Linda!
I appreciate the lovely comments. :-)
Jennifer... can I ask, in your paintings.. do you use a set pallete? The colour harmony in your work is just tremendous.
Hi Michael,
I do use a set palette for plein air painting.
I use White, Cad Yellow Medium, Cad Red, Alizarin, Ultramarine Blue and Yellow Ochre. I also use a very thin wash of Indian Yellow as an underpainting and occasionally Thalo Red Rose.
Jennifer, great perspective and I always like your color. Thanks for including your color palette,it might be little warm for Detroit.I always learn something from your work.
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