Wow! Is it already February!?
Hello bloggers and draft dodgers! Lend me your ear for the new year! Hope everyone’s year is off to a rambunctious start! Started off the new year with an impromptu visit to Jumbo’s Clown Room and received a complementary birthday lap dance, much to the delight of the lascivious voyeurs who make up our Wednesday night painting workshops. Thanks for making me feel special guys ;-)
It's all just a blurred memory now except for the nasty head cold I caught and the harrowing 15 hour hang over I endured the day following my 40th birthday soiree. Sworn off drinking AGAIN! Hope to find the meaning of life by February 17th, 2008. No particular reason for that date, but it's important to have deadlines and stick to them.
Pictured above is a painting I did over the holidays at the Devil’s Gate Dam alongside my painting comrade Jose.

I'm extremely pleased to announce my painting 'Chapter Four' (pictured below) has been accepted into the ‘Salon International 2008’ juried exhibition. This juried exhibition is a project of the International Museum of Contemporary Masters and will be hosted by Greenhouse Gallery of Fine Art in San Antonio, Texas. Exhibition opens in gallery and on web site on April 12th, 2008.

The lovely young lady is Ben’s cousin, Nova. I attempted to capture her quiet intensity as well as the soft, glowing light that illuminated her as dusk was quickly approaching.