Hello bloggaboos and dwellers of the nether regions of the Ethernet.
This summer, I will be teaching a 5 day plein air workshop scheduled for July 21st through July 25th. The workshop, coordinated by Michael Lewis of PAPW, will take place in scenic Grants, New Mexico. PAPW (an acronym for ‘Plein Air Painters of the West), consists of high quality painters who have each established themselves as top notch artists in their own right. To find out more about these groovy fellow painters, click here.
PS - If you're in that neck of the woods during the summer make sure you drop by!
I am very pleased to announce my painting ‘Old Hospital Bunker’ (see December 20th post to view painting) has been accepted into the Oil Painters of America (OPA) ‘17th National Juried Exhibition of Traditional Oils'.
The exhibition is scheduled to open May 02, 2008.
Signing off with a little still life.........

I painted this still life as a demo for my students in my Tuesday night painting class. Took me approximately two hours to complete (and yes, I did indulge in the Baileys afterward...yummmm ;-)