Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Springtacular Splendors!

 Layover                                   oil, 12x16 inches
(This painting was selected for the 23rd OPA National Juried Exhibition)

 Greetings and Happy Spring!

It’s been a busy spring here in California. Recently taught a fun 5 day plein air workshop in Ojai. The students were great, the weather was sublime and the locations were beauteous! However, the pollen from the oak trees caught me by surprise and left me in a constant state of sneezing. That being said, the arctic polar vortex crap seemed to have missed Ojai, let me tell you it was HOT! Lizards galore doing pushups on the sun warmed rocks, rattlesnakes coming out of their burrows and lazily sliding through the grass, blooming flowers and blooming oaks. Ojai was awesome but already I’m sooooo looking forward to the beauty of the Big Sur coast and that magical world of the Esalen tribe. Can’t wait to soak in the natural sulfur hot springs that pour into the stone tubs along the cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Oh, and looking forward to teaching painting too of course. Add to that, I will be participating in two exciting group exhibitions scheduled to open in late spring. Hop on little Easter bunny, hop on!
Below are some fun Ojai workshop pics I am delighted to share. Enjoy :-)

P L E I N  A I R  W O R K S H O P
(O J A I - A P R I L  2 0 1 4)

Morning demo at Lake Casitas

Students painting Ojai countryside

Springtime blossoms in Ojai

Donelle painting at the Besant Center

Avatar Point at Meher Mount

Some Ojai eye candy :-)

My fabulous students!
Clockwise from upper left: Joan, Alane, Jennifer, Ben, Donelle, 
Kourtney, Nanette, Sarah, Claire and John
(Rachel and Sophia missing from pic)

U P C O M I N G   E X H I B I T I O N S

National Artists Invitational Exhibition

Roman Alleyway               oil, 8x15 inches

I’m delighted to announce that two of my paintings will be on display for the  
National Artists Invitational Exhibition at 717 Gallery in Easton, Maryland.
Show opens May 2nd, 2014.
For more info click here

23rd Annual Juried Exhibition

My new painting Layover (scroll to top to view image) has been selected for the prestigious  
OPA 23rd Annual Juried Exhibition hosted by the Bennington Arts Center located in
Bennington, Vermont.
Show opens June 7th, 2014.
For more info click here

 2 0 1 4   P L E I N   A I R   W O R K S H O P S

As I mentioned above, the June 2014 Esalen workshop in Big Sur is a little over a month away! There are still spots available, so if you try and sign up and they tell you otherwise please contact me directly (sometimes the elves that run the place get a little spacey from all that fresh air and deep meditation).
I am also conducting a Wellfleet workshop in September which has only one spot left, so if you’re on the East Coast and you want to participate do not wait to the last minute to sign up! After that I’ll be teaching again in Esalen in October and Ojai in November 2014.
Click here for registration info and to view complete 2014 workshop schedule.


Well that’s it for the McChristian news, have to get back to my painting regime. Already took up lots of time last week staring at the mystical lunar eclipse through my telescope and battling with pesky springtime allergies. The eclipse resembled a Frazetta-esque, sci-fi looking scene that simply needed an eight legged bobcat to slink along the neighbor’s fence to complete it  :-)
Have a sensational and sassy summer and fight the good fight, digest those candy eggs, avoid eating too many leftover peeps and keep on creating and appreciating!

 Bamboo eagerly anticipating summer.......