Greetings everyone. This past month I’ve been busily painting for my two-person show at the Greenwich Workshop Gallery in Connecticut (see show invite below). I will be exhibiting new works inspired by a recent trip to New York and Connecticut. Pictured above is one of the pieces which will be on display. Cindy Baron, a truly accomplished and talented painter, will be showing with me.
Preparing for this show was extremely intense due to the short preparation time provided. Those New Yorkers! Always rushing this way and that, short deadlines and GO! GO! GO! Thank God for coffee!!! On top of that, my preparation time was cut even shorter by the necessary week-long visit to Manhattan to acquire reference material. It was non-stop from the moment we landed at JFK to the time we returned to LAX. I like that, because when I re-turn to LAX , I re-LAX ;-) New York was very busy and fast paced is all I'm saying. We covered every inch of Manhattan, from Washington Heights where Ben and I were staying (yes, we went to the Cloisters) to walking along the Brooklyn Bridge and seeing the World Trade Center Memorial Site (extremely powerful and moving, everyone should go to pay their respects). Hit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, went to Barney Greengrass Deli, visited Times Square three nights in a row, walked through Chelsea, Tribeca, China Town, Little Italy, SoHo, Greenwich Village, East Village, Lower East Village, Central Park and ventured off the island briefly to Queens for Russian-Jewish shish kebob.
Click here to view online exhibition. Enjoy!
~I n M e m o r i a m~
Cindy Fancher
This trip was bittersweet for me, however, as it brought home the recent untimely passing of a very near and dear friend.
Cynthia Fancher, my late ballet teacher, was a true New Yorker and will be greatly missed.
I am dedicating this show to her.