Holy s**t, is it August already?! My apologies for the extended blog absence. I’ve been busily exploring the majestic southwest and devouring tasty meals.
“One Cantaloupe Left”... the words inspire fear and awe in most, tinged with a loneliness that's hard to place. One, not two. One cantaloupe is all that's left. Odd for such a lousy tasting fruit, used mostly in cheap fruit salads. Only one. One cheap, lonely, bad tasting fruit. This is what I was contemplating as I painted this. I was also inspired by the dramatic compositional focus proffered by the white down jacket against the dark Manhattan brownstone. Bittersweet. Just like cantaloupe.
Bon Appetit!
*** THIS JUST IN! ***

I am pleased to announce my painting ‘Making Our Way Across’ has been accepted into the Oil Painters of America (OPA) 2008 Western Regional Juried Exhibition which will be held at Devin Galleries in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, beginning Friday, September 12, 2008, through Saturday, October 11, 2008.