Here is one of my paintings which will be exhibited at my upcoming solo show at Segil Fine Art
January is a month traditionally filled with pain and grief, sorrow and regret. January 18th was lauded as the most depressing day of 2010 by a renowned economist who used various mathematical equations and statistical theories to prove his veracity. But he was probably living in the North, possibly Minnesota or Canada, which is a certain extra level of pitiful as snow turns to icy wet slush crusted by brown layers of dirt. Anyway, thank goodness I'm in California now! Although I did have to put on a sweater yesterday, it gets pretty cold here too!
And to help cheer everyone up I'm announcing my super cool solo show entitled “Venerable Visions” held at the illustrious Segil Fine Art located in beautiful Old Town Monrovia right next to the brand new library! Opening reception is Saturday, February 20th, from 5 to 7pm! The exhibition will be on display through March 20th, 2010. Everyone try and make it, especially if you're living in the North, it's certain to brighten up your day!
For more info visit gallery web site here.
"Venerable Visions" solo exhibition - February 20th, 2010

~ Feature Article in American Art Collector ~

If you're one of those literary types be certain to pick up a February edition of American Art Collector! I'm proud to announce that I have another fine feature article written about me, so hurry on down to the newsstand, there are only so many copies and February's a short month!
To view article click here.
And if that's not enough to cheer you up, here's a list of my 2010 workshops to help with your New Year's Resolutions!

'Plein Air Painting in Sedona'
April 18 - April 23, 2010Join me April 18th to 23rd for my five-day intensive plein air workshop at the illustrious Sedona Art Center. Enjoy painting the raw beauty of the Arizona desert filled with flowering cacti, red rock mountains, blue skies and free range artists. For more information click here.
'Plein Air Painting in Big Sur/Esalen Retreat'
May 30 - June 5, 2010
Join me in this exciting and re-invigorating environment, one of the few workshops I teach which comes with organic food, misty ocean air, and natural hot springs overlooking the Pacific. This very special five-day intensive plein air workshop runs from the 30th of May to the 5th of June, and (at an additional cost) has professional Esalen trained massage therapists standing by to undo any muscular knots or damage caused by educational related stress trauma. If you're a type A painting personality like me, book your massage well in advance before the Spirit Weaving class does!
May February and the rest of the year bring you boundless inspiration, jubilation and relaxation!