Hello bloggaboos and dwellers of the nether regions of the Ethernet.
This summer, I will be teaching a 5 day plein air workshop scheduled for July 21st through July 25th. The workshop, coordinated by Michael Lewis of PAPW, will take place in scenic Grants, New Mexico. PAPW (an acronym for ‘Plein Air Painters of the West), consists of high quality painters who have each established themselves as top notch artists in their own right. To find out more about these groovy fellow painters, click here.
PS - If you're in that neck of the woods during the summer make sure you drop by!
I am very pleased to announce my painting ‘Old Hospital Bunker’ (see December 20th post to view painting) has been accepted into the Oil Painters of America (OPA) ‘17th National Juried Exhibition of Traditional Oils'.
The exhibition is scheduled to open May 02, 2008.
Signing off with a little still life.........

I painted this still life as a demo for my students in my Tuesday night painting class. Took me approximately two hours to complete (and yes, I did indulge in the Baileys afterward...yummmm ;-)
Congratulations Jennifer! (and not on finishing off the Bailey's) but rather on your acceptance. That's great! I would come to New Mexico if I could, but I won't probably won't get much farther west than Cape Cod this summer.
Lovely still-life as well. Really terrific little highlights and shadow work. Very strong all around.
Great one Jennifer. I can't believe you can pull of a gem like this in 2 hrs.?!! Your skills are great, and this study rocks. Congrats also on offering the course.. I'm seriously thinking a paint trip to NM might be in order!
Really beautiful study Jennifer. Good luck with the workshop. I wish I could go!
-James Martin
Thanks Cooper!
Sorry you won't be able to visit in NM, although we may cross paths in Cape Cod this summer.
(...still workin' on the Baileys ;-)
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the kudos! :)
Would love if you came down to New Mexico, however YOU could probably teach me a few things about painting. I'm a huge admirer of your work!
Thanks James!
Wonderful painting - New Mexico is my home - you'll love it.
Lap dances, Bailey's...... what's next?! Ha ha. This demo is a little gem. I love the vibrancy of color and of course your brushwork is a sight to behold. Congrats on all your recent achievements!
Enjoy your workshop Jennifer ... but don't teach them all your secret.... sssshh
Very refreshing still life the color are singing and those little spot of highlights are dancing .. so alive.
By the way congrats on making OPA show and also congrats on making into the catalogue of Greenhouse International Salon.
have fun ... (w/ or w/out baileys)
Thanks Cara!
I look forward to visiting New Mexico. I hear the skies are majestic!
Hi Danny,
Don't know what's next, but whatever it is, you'll be the first to know ;-)
Thanks for the kudos!
Thanks for the felicitations Tim!
......I had no idea I made it into the Greenhouse catalogue!?
I need to check my mail!! :)
workshop,oh how i wish i could be there,just to see you running around in your straw hat!
seriously,i could learn so much of you Jennifer,just look at that still live,it tingles!is that a word?
Hi Rob,
Actually, with the searing high temperatures in late July, running around in just a straw hat might not be such a bad idea ;-)
And yes, 'tingles' is a word and an eloquently descriptive verb.
Thank you!
terrific color, inspiring!!
congratulations, you deserve it!
Jennifer Hello from Spain (Albacete). I enjoyed all your work, I feel great. The art does not understand language and yours is universal. A greeting, Paco. PD: I have automatically translated into English, I hope you're correct translation.
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