Holy s**t, is it August already?! My apologies for the extended blog absence. I’ve been busily exploring the majestic southwest and devouring tasty meals.
“One Cantaloupe Left”... the words inspire fear and awe in most, tinged with a loneliness that's hard to place. One, not two. One cantaloupe is all that's left. Odd for such a lousy tasting fruit, used mostly in cheap fruit salads. Only one. One cheap, lonely, bad tasting fruit. This is what I was contemplating as I painted this. I was also inspired by the dramatic compositional focus proffered by the white down jacket against the dark Manhattan brownstone. Bittersweet. Just like cantaloupe.
Bon Appetit!
*** THIS JUST IN! ***

I am pleased to announce my painting ‘Making Our Way Across’ has been accepted into the Oil Painters of America (OPA) 2008 Western Regional Juried Exhibition which will be held at Devin Galleries in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, beginning Friday, September 12, 2008, through Saturday, October 11, 2008.
as always...great works!!
Pedro Ferreira
These to pieces are beautiful!
I didn't have a single reason to go to Idaho until I saw this! Fantastic Jennifer--both pieces are great, but the Brooklyn Bridge painting is stunning!
Thanks Pedro!
Thanks Bill :)
Your accolade is much appreciated!
Thanks for visiting.
Thanks Cooper!
.....dig your new mug shot by the way ;-)
....Always good to hear from you :)
The mood is fantastic! I love the atmospheric effect!
Two beautiful paintings, and I just love your redish under painting always coming through. The rendering of the cables on the Brooklyn bridge is wunderbar!
You are fantastic! love the brushwork and open canvas...I will definitely be following along!!
nice feeling of the bridge ... OPA you'll roar, Jennifer
Keep working hard it is paying off
Thanks Adebanji!
David and Theresa, thanks for visiting and for your generous comments!
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the kudos!
'working hard?'... it's more like 'having fun!' ;-)
Congrats on the acceptance Jen! A beautiful painting!!
Your detail is amazing!! Those two little spotlights in "last Cantaloupe".....fantastic! Great overall composition and contrast!
I'm a bridge lover and your painting is slammin'!
I'm sharing my recently bestowed
Art y Pico Award with you by linking you in my latest blog post. I wamt everyone to come over here and see your work.
I discover your blog and your paintings.I am impressed!
Great artwork!
I discover your blog and your paintings.I am impressed!
Great artwork!
I love the painting of the gal in the down jacket. I really like that I see your toned canvas color coming through all over, I think we forget sometimes how important that toned color can be to a painting.
Hi Jennifer. I really enjoy looking at your paintings, and this one is no exception. Beautiful. Love the inderpainting showing through in places. Adds a cohesiveness. Brings it together nicely.
Congrats on the OPA Show!
Ummm...that would be "underpainting." ;)
Beautiful fresh work as usual!!
Cheers.... Andrew
Thank you Robin!
Thank you for selecting me as one of your Art y Pico Award faves! I'm very flattered and honored. :)
Thank you.....twice ;-)
Hi Barbara,
Yes, I too agree letting the toned underpainting is an integral part of the painting process. It really harmonizes the colors and creates more interest.
Thanks for visiting!
Thank you for the congrats Bill!
Cheers to you Andrew and as usual, I appreciate and enjoy your visits!
such nice balance between detail and looseness...
but i do miss your bold little landscapes
your da man jennifer!
Thanks Rob!
I will post more bold little landscapes just for you ;-)
Peace out...
its amazing the orange colours between the brush stokes. Very expresive and realist.
Very nice Jennifer,
I've had the Brooklyn Bridge Painting for my desktop image for at least a week now so I can study it, its a very nice painting, It looks like you don't use a heavy amount of paint on your brush, I could be wrong because it might be easier to see impasto strokes on the real painting in real life but from what I can see it looks like you almost dry brush most of the color shapes on there.
Do you start your paintings from life then take a photograph and finish them at home?
it's a treat to see those sketches - beautiful and lively!
you really capture the essence of the big apple! WOW!8-D
I've passed along "Brilliante Weblog" award to you because you are such a fantastic painter you can read more about it on my site. Enjoy.
Congratulations on your award "Brilliante Weblog"from Theresa Rankin.Many thanks to her that i found your work.
Your work is absolutely brillient.not to compare but as a compliment reminds "Richard Schmid ".
Your warm underpainting also reminds me of Jeremy lipking.
Saw your link in Theresa Rankin's list of awards and I'm most definitely awestruck by your talent and style! Congratulations on OPA - excellent piece, glad to see they have good taste for sure! I've linked you and I plan to visit often, you're good art vitamin!
wow! 37 comments! I'm happy when I get 3. I found your blog through another and first thing I think is, Dang, this girl can paint! And I'm right, your work is fantasic. Thanks for putting this up for all of us to see.
Eldon Warren
These are knockouts!
Wonderful Paintings Jennifer!
Thank you Nacho!
Hi Joe,
Yes, I do use dry brush as well as impasto strokes.
Most of the time I'll paint a small study from life and create a larger studio piece directly from the study. Otherwise, I'll refer to my thumbnail/color comp that I create from my photo reference.
Thanks for visiting :)
Thanks Jie!
Looking forward to meeting you in October!
Hi Theresa,
Just got back from out of town to discover my nomination for 'Brilliante Weblog.
Many thanks for making me part of your top seven list!
Thank you for your generous kudos! :)
Thank you Erika!
Thanks Eldon!
I appreciate the comment! ....truly flattering, considering it is coming from such a commendable and gifted artist!!
I too have passed the Brilliante Weblog award to you for this wonderful site full of wonderful work. I find this piece of the Brooklyn Bridge very inspiring. Thanks again for sharing and good luck at OPA.
Thanks Eldon,
I appreciate your gracious and generous gesture of awarding me the Brilliante Web log!
Congratulations! I love the painting "Making Our Way Across" - It is so simple and so very rich - I can feel the cool air. So easy to melt into this painting. Thanks for sharing!
Had to stop... beautiful!!.. a great painting
Hey Jennifer,
Haven't been on your blog in a while. The new work has a real elegance, it's great!
Marylin, Sylvia and Tony,
Thanks for visiting! I appreciate your lovely comments!
Thats a nice one Jen.
Thanks Jeremy!
Your work inspires me to no end!! :)
Peace xo
The cantaloupe painting is fantastic too. A beautiful combination of opposites.
Structure with lost edges, and shifts in cool and warm color. More defined areas against softer focus areas. The quilting in the jacket is slammin'.
I hope all your shows are going well. Your work is up there with the best.
Thanks Mary!
Cantaloupe painting is wild, love your composition
Wow this is a great one Jennifer.
Wonderful work! congratulations
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